Chaffee Roofing Commercial Roofing Services

How Infrared Technology Revolutionizes Commercial Roofing Issues

Unlock the power of infrared technology for precise commercial roofing solutions & quality control. Learn more with Chaffee Roofing.

A commercial roof replacement can be quite costly for building owners, Using infrared technology, a commercial roofing contractor can determine the true condition of the insulation under the membrane of the roof, as will as provide a wider range of comprehensive and cost-effective solutions.

Thermal or infrared energy is light that is not visible because its wavelength is too long to be detected by the human eye. It is the part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is perceived as heat. Thermography, or thermal imaging, refers to the process of recording the emission of thermal or infrared radiation by employing the use of a thermal imaging device or infrared camera.

In Chaffee’s Infrared Moisture Analysis, an infrared camera detects infrared energy and converts it into an electronic signal, which is then processed to produce a thermal image on a video monitor and perform temperature calculations. Infrared cameras use sensors called bolometers. They look at one part of the spectrum we can’t see, infrared, and convert the information into a picture we can see.

A common misconception is that people looking at an image think they are seeing temperature readings, but they’re really seeing a representation of the thermal radiation on the surface.

In roofing, there are many potential false indications, so training is the key. To get the maximum out of the technology, you really have to understand the science. With an infrared camera, commercial roofing contractors can convey their expertise to building owners and document roof conditions

Benefits of Infrared Technology

  • Detecting Moisture – When water gets caught in a roofing system, we count on the sun to help us detect it. It all depends on the concept of heat capacity, also known as specific heat. Water heats up more slowly than most substances and holds heat longer. The sun heats up the roof, but the water heats more slowly that the dry roofing material. The water also cools off slower than the roof, so the roof can be checked at night.
  • Quality control. A commercial roofing contractor can go up on a roof right after the job has been completed to ensure that no water has gotten into the roof system during construction. Contractors can also check for bad seams to eliminate callbacks. The completed job can be documented with digital photography, video recording and infrared imagery.
  • Finding leaks. In a newly installed roof, leaks can be hard to track. Interior leaks can be hidden hundreds of feet from the outside intrusion point. Based on the laws of physics, sometimes water isn’t readily absorbed by polyisocyanurate insulation. It might be easy to find roof moisture, but it’s often hard to find the source of the leak.
  • Finding wet insulation. Wet insulation is easy to spot with IR technology, and a roof survey can pinpoint the areas that need to be replaced. Wet insulation increases heating and cooling costs and degrades roof materials.

At Chaffee Roofing, our experts conduct a thorough visual inspection of the roof before utilizing infrared technology. There are advantages to doing a walkover first, and most of them have to do with safety. You can check for rotting sections of deck, holes or other safety hazards. As clear visibility is essential, visual inspections are done before nightfall. This allows you to focus on the housekeeping on the actual roof. If you see poor housekeeping, you are likely to see a lot of damage.

Why Choose Chaffee?

Our family business was founded in 1908, over 100 years ago. That’s quite an accomplishment, considering the average contractor stays in business for only 2 years. Since we were founded in 1908, four generations of Chaffee have owned the company, and four generations have worked at Chaffee, providing excellent commercial and industrial roofing services.

Chaffee Roofing Commercial Roof Services

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