Chaffee Roofing Commercial Roofing Services

How Easily do EPDM Roofs Puncture?

Protect your EPDM roof from punctures with expert tips from Chaffee Roofing. Learn how to prevent damage and ensure lasting durability.

Chaffee Roofing clients know all about the durability of EPDM, the cost of the product, and how easy is it to install. A common query from our clients is how easily do EPDM roofs puncture? It must be in the top 5 questions customers ask us about EPDM roofs.

Our answer is a simple one

EPDM, like any single-ply product, is prone to punctures from direct impact. Stabs from a screwdriver or sharp object will make a hole in the membrane. However, EPDM is very durable for regular foot traffic, roof maintenance, rooftop unit maintenance, etc. In fact, some manufacturers are starting to offer puncture resistant warranties on some EPDM roof systems! 

As the question comes up a lot, we have compiled our thoughts on EPDM and punctures into a blog post. Let’s take a closer look at EPDM and how to solve the problem of punctures.

How can you puncture EPDM?

EPDM roofs are also known as rubber roofs. Rubber can puncture, as anyone who rides a bike or drives an automobile will know. Once you know the dangers, then you can avoid them.

Falling branches during a storm can spear the EPDM causing a lot of damage. Workers on the roof can drop a sharp tool, such as a screwdriver, through the EPDM roof or even puncture it by wearing the wrong footwear. EPDM also deteriorates when exposed to grease and chemicals, causing the surface to weaken and be vulnerable to punctures. In some cases, greases and chemicals can even eat right threw the EPDM membrane!

Despite these things, you can enjoy the top benefits of EPDM roofing if you take action to prevent a puncture

Avoiding a puncture on an EPDM roof

When driving, you avoid broken glass, nails, and holes in the road. The same principle is true with EPDM roofs.

Installing the reinforced EPDM membrane instead of non-reinforced EPDM is a huge help. The added scrim reinforcement will give your roof added protection from not just puncturing but other types of storm and accident damage. EPDM is available in thicknesses from .045 to .090mms. By installing thicker and reinforced material, you are adding a lot of durability to the roof.

There are other, more practical, ways to avoid a puncture too. Always used trained personnel when doing any work on your roof and have a code of what to wear and do when on the roof. An EPDM roof is not a place for parties or barbecues. Do not have a grease outlet or any acid products on the EPDM roof without some kind of great guard system. Constant exposure to droplets will do damage. It is also sound policy to trim trees and shrubs near the building. Not only will this protect from storm damage, but you will also get more light into the buildings, saving on utility bills. Also, it will prevent the drains from getting clogged as well.

One of the most important things when installing an EPDM roof is to only use a reputable company, with highly-trained staff.

What to do in the case of a puncture

There are steps to take if you do happen to get a puncture on the EPDM roof. The first step is to take immediate action. Do not allow a puncture to get worse and allow water into the building. The long-term damage from a water leak can be expensive to correct.

Do not try to fix a puncture yourself. While repairing an EPDM roof is easy to do, it is only a job for a trained roofing technician. At Chaffee Roofing, all of our staff are fully trained and will do an excellent repair job on your EPDM roof.

Get the puncture fixed quickly and professionally.

Give Chaffee Roofing a call

We know about EPDM roofing. It is an excellent roofing material and one which will serve your company for many years. 

Call Chaffee Roofing today with all your questions, and we will have the answers for you.

Why Choose Chaffee?

Our family business was founded in 1908, over 100 years ago. That’s quite an accomplishment, considering the average contractor stays in business for only 2 years. Since we were founded in 1908, four generations of Chaffee have owned the company, and four generations have worked at Chaffee, providing excellent commercial and industrial roofing services.

Chaffee Roofing Commercial Roof Services

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